ELLIIT call E: Ph.D. student projects to run 2025-2029


There is available budget for additional ELLIIT-funded Ph.D. student projects at LiU and LU, to commence early 2025.  Selection of proposals recommended for funding will be done by the ELLIIT Program Group (PG), with final decisions taken by the Steering Group (SG).

Proposals are invited for new projects with significant potential to break new ground and go beyond state-of-the-art. The call will follow a two-step process with submission of a two-page pre-proposal in the first step. For pre-proposals that are found to be of particular interest, the authors will be invited in a second step to submit a complete project plan.

The scope of the call is electromagnetic sensing, including but not limited to radar, remote sensing, integrated sensing and communications, and associated distributed signal/data processing and electronics.

To be competitive, projects must initiate new activities and provide substantial added value over ELLIIT projects funded under other calls. Proposals that represent continuation activities or extensions of existing ELLIIT projects will not be considered.

Conditions of the call

  • Each project will support one Ph.D. student. The budget per project is 1 MSEK/year for five years and is paid to the PI’s department.
  • The project PI should be the main supervisor of the student. The project can have a co-PI, who should be the co-supervisor of the student.
  • Proposals for twinned projects, with co-supervision of a student between two different ELLIIT partners, are especially encouraged.
  • The PI must have a permanent or tenure-track faculty position with at least 50% activity at one of the ELLIIT partner universities throughout the duration of the project. Adjunct and guest faculty are ineligible. There is no restriction on department affiliation or on current or previous associations with ELLIIT.
  • A faculty member who does not have the Docent title at the time of submitting the proposal can serve as PI, provided that there is an identified pro forma main advisor, a statement of intent that the PI will take over as main advisor after they become Docent, and a rough timeplan for the Docent application.
  • PIs and co-PIs on ELLIIT call B or C projects cannot apply to this call as PI.
  • PIs on ELLIIT call D projects cannot apply to this call as PI, but co-PIs on call D projects are eligible.
  • Any individual may serve as PI on at most one proposal to this call.

Format of the pre-proposal

  • Project title and name/affiliation of the PI
  • Short abstract (2-3 sentences)
  • Research challenges, technical approach, and novelty over state-of-the-art
  • Industrial/societal relevance (2-3 sentences)
  • CV of the PI, including link to Google scholar

A template in Latex is available. Length limit: Two A4 pages, plus two pages CV of the PI.

Evaluation criteria

  • Relevance of the topic in relation to the call
  • Scientific originality and quality, clarity of the technical objectives
  • Added value over the current ELLIIT project portfolio
  • Merits of the PI
  • Industrial/societal relevance and cross-disciplinary aspects (when relevant)


Projects are expected to start early 2025.

Submission instructions

Pre-proposals should be prepared as a single PDF file (two-page proposal + CV of the PI) and uploaded on the ELLIIT Call page (https://www.lyyti.in/ELLIIT_Call_E) no later than August 23, 2024.


Questions can be directed to Erik G. Larsson, Director ELLIIT (erik.g.larsson@liu.se).

Visualization with Inviwo – an introduction

In relation to the Elliit infrastructure project “ Visualization Support and Consulting Software, and Competence” we are offering an online introduction to our visualization software Inviwo, presented by Martin Falk, LiU.

Date&Time: October 29, 13.00-15.00 via

Zoom (https://uu-se.zoom.us/my/nikitasi).

This 2-hour session will provide an overview of Inviwo. Additional follow-up sessions on getting started with the software are planned, though the details are still being finalized. Updates will be shared after the first session.

If you’re interested, please feel free to join us for this session and reach out with any questions at  (martin.falk@liu.se).

In the meantime you can find more information and a couple tutorials on www.inviwo.org.