Call for Gender & Diversity Project Proposals Spring 2025

Call for Gender & Diversity Project Proposals Spring 2025

Since 2019, ELLIIT has been setting aside a budget to broader societal goals, such as promoting gender equality in STEM research. The allocated budget can cover both time for the contributing researchers and the actual costs of relevant activities. In 2025, we now...

The focus period resulted in new collaborations for the climate

The focus period resulted in new collaborations for the climate

In the fall of 2024, researchers from around the world once again gathered at Linköping University for ELLIIT's five-week focus period. This time, the goal was to initiate and deepen collaborations in climate research using machine learning.The strategic research...

Meet the Recruited Faculty – Susanna Rezende

Meet the Recruited Faculty – Susanna Rezende

Recently appointed as a Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2023, Susanna Rezende is organizing a research school on complexity theory and starting new collaborations across her field. We spoke with her about her research and ambitions, as she aims to foster more...

Symposium Aiming to Improve the Climate

Symposium Aiming to Improve the Climate

In the fall of 2024, Linköping University once again hosted ELLIIT's five-week-long focus period. This ambitious guest researcher program aimed for greater breadth in interdisciplinarity this year, with the theme of machine learning for climate science.The concept...

Call for ELLIIT Focus period proposals 2026

Call for ELLIIT Focus period proposals 2026

ELLIIT is now inviting proposals by potential organizers willing to host focus periods in the spring or autumn of 2026. The ELLIIT focus period program is an ambitious guest and exchange program for international top-level researchers. The objective is to create...

New article about machine learning for climate science

New article about machine learning for climate science

Linköping University has published an article about ELLIIT's upcoming focus period. Representatives from ELLIIT, Michael Felsberg, Fredrik Lindsten, and Tove Kvarnström, were interviewed for the article regarding the topic of machine learning for climate science.A...

ELLIIT Newsletter Issue 23

ELLIIT Newsletter Issue 23

Issue 23 of the ELLIIT newsletter is now available and can now be downloaded below. Editor Emma Söderberg has collected and curated a selection of research features, academic news and outreach activities from the ELLIIT research environment.

Meet the Recruited Faculty – Zheng Chen

Meet the Recruited Faculty – Zheng Chen

Research on communications engineering, development of new courses, and a hope of writing some textbooks and monographs - Zheng Chen aims to be a bridge that connects different research areas, and recently we talked to her about her own research and ambitions. Zheng...


Twice a year, ELLIIT publishes a comprehensive newsletter.


Past issues of the ELLIIT newsletter can be downloaded from the documents page.