On this page, we list various outreach activities related to the ELLIIT organization, projects, and researchers. This is a step in ELLIIT’s outreach goal where we disseminate knowledge in venues beyond traditional topical academic journals.
ELLIIT project leaders and recruited faculty are active in outreach activities, and are appreciated invited experts in podcasts and other media, and several are even producing their own.
Best Master and Bachelor thesis 2024
Organized the best Master and Bachelor thesis prize awards ceremony in collaboration with Computer society East. It was a selection based on 8 nominated theses, and the Promotor for the year was Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Rezine. This prize has been awarded for the 25th time and this year was specially celebrated on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Computer society.
IVA's 100 List 2021
During the COVID pandemic, the joint work with Professor Bo Bernhardsson, among others, on pandemic modeling was presented to the general public through several newspaper articles. The work also received recognition from the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) by being included in “IVA’s 100-lista 2021.“
The IVA’s 100 List 2021 highlights a variety of research projects from Swedish universities on the theme of Sustainable Crisis Preparedness.

Richard Pates Research Blog
Richard Pates, associate professor at the Department of Automatic Control at Lund University, has a blog with both teaching and research material. Richard’s research focus is on control system design for electrical power systems and autonomous vehicles.

Wireless Future Blog
Professor Erik G. Larsson is a founder and regular writer in the blog “Wireless future“. The focus is on emerging technologies, promising research results, and commentary of news in the broader field of wireless technology. The is to serve the community by helping distill relevant reads from the research literature, and debunking misconceptions.
Gender and Diversity Group

There are still too few women in science and technology, particularily in the ELLIIT core topics such as information technology, mobile communications and software engineering. To promote ICT and related topics as attractive career possibilities for young female students and scientists, ELLIIT has a dedicated Gender and Diversity Group.
Lectures and talks

Talks by ELLIIT researchers.

Baseband Processing for Beyond 5G Wireless
Hazem Ali from HH has given an introduction lecture on the B2 ELLIIT project and the research questions addressed. The Lecture was held in the Instituto de Informática at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil [Ali, 2023].

Introduction to open-source software and the interaction with open data

3D Vision in Self-Driving Cars and Humans

What AI Cannot Do
Tom Ziemke, ELLIIT Recruited Faculty and Professor in in Cognitive Systems gave a lecture where he addressed the hype around artificial intelligence (AI) and highlights some of the limitations that computers and robots still have. The lecture is in Swedish and you can watch it here.

Future Space Conference 2024
Yonghao Xu, ELLIIT Assistant Professor at the Computer Vision Laboratory (CVL), Linköping University, was invited as a keynote at the Future Space Conference 2024 – “a conference dedicated to showcasing the forefront and future of space activities.”

Spread Models for COVID-19 - How Accurate Were They?
During the Popular Science Week 2022 at Linköping University, Fredrik Gustafsson gave a lecture about what we’ve learned from Covid-19 and how we can use these learnings when the next pandemic hits.
Data sharing and open data
Per Runeson was invited to several conferences as a keynote to talk about various aspects of data sharing and open data to audiences outside academia: Network Open Source and Data, Graz Symposium Virtual Vehicle, Swedsoft TEchnology Workshop, and Internetdagarna.
European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics
Susanna F. de Rezende, Assistant Professor in Theoretical Computer Science, was invited to speak at the closing ceremony of the European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics (EGOI) 2023. The European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics is an international competition for young women interested in Computer Science.
Newspaper articles
How Enemies Can Attack Our Power Grid
In December of 2022 Simin Nadjm-Tehrani, Linköping University, contributed to the Swedish public service radio program Gräns – Så kan fiender attackera vårt elnät
A Transistor Made Of Wood
Research of the Future
Soheil Samii, Senior Associate Professor in Cyber-Physical Systems, appeared in June 2023 edition of “Framtidens forskning” which is part of the Dagens Industri newspaper in Sweden, covering the area of offloading of computations to edge and cloud compute resources for future automotive cyber-physical systems.

Hello AI (Hej AI)
Hej AI (Hello AI) is a podcast by LU professor Kalle Åström och comedian/producer Johan Wester. The topic discussed is AI technologies, and how AI will impact people in the future.

Wireless future
The podcast “Wireless future” by professor Erik G. Larsson, ELLIIT director, and professor Emil Björnsson, is one of the most important podcast within this category in Sweden.The podcast, with close to 6 000 subscribers, is about current and future wireless technologies, as well as their impact on society.

In October 2023 Simin Nadjm-Tehrani and Anders Ynnerman contributed to the podcast Innovationslandet: 41. WASP – Djupdykning i AI och cybersäkerhet, on the theme of AI and Cybersecurity.
Cyberattacks can be rented on the Darknet
Simin Nadjm-Tehrani SVT interview 2021 (Swedish public service) – Nätattacker kan hyras på Darknet
Will we ever run out of cloud storage?
Emma Fitzgerald was a participating expert on the BBC World Service program The Inquiry in April 2023.
Tech Talks

ELLIIT has recorded an ambitious seminar series on digitalization and societal challenges from an ICT perspective. All four ELLIIT campuses have been involved, and the production stars the well-known Swedish research communicator and comedian Johan Wester. Topics are based on visions from the 2030 Technology Foresight. A new theme will be published every other Tuesday at 12.00 until the 21st of March 2023.

Video of the RobotLab LTH

Watch the viral video of Biden – accused of being a deepfake

FBI's warning: fraud is becoming increasingly common
Kalle Åström participated in a segment on deep fakes in the Swedish TV4 morning show 22 June 2023.

iVis - Information Visualization @ Linköping University

Richard Pates on YouTube
Richard Pates, associate professor at the Department of Automatic Control at Lund University, has a YouTube chanel with teaching material in Control Theory, Nonlinear Control and Servo Systems, and a Basic Course about control.

New Report: Low Interest in Math and Science Among Children
Magnus Berggren, ELLIIT Researcher and Professor in Organic Electronics, talked about the low interest in math and science among children in the Swedish TV4 Morning show 20 May 2024.

Imagine if AI could help save the climate

Programming tools provide more programmers and better software
Workshops and demos
What is expecting from 6G circuits and transceivers?
IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference, workshop presentation by Liang Liu, Lund University, “What is expecting from 6G circuits and transceivers?”, 2023, [ESSCIRC, 2023].
Mobile Communication and Radio Waves – Technology and Health
“Mobil kommunikation och radiovågor– teknik och hälsa”: Brochure on biological effects from electromagnetic fields, published by the Swedish National Committee of Radio Science, Wilén, J., Estenberg, J., Mild, K. H., Ljunggren, T., Mattsson, M.-O., Sjöberg, D., Törnevik, C.
Collaborative Robotics
A robotics lab tour and demonstration of the Spot quadruped ground robot for Berzeliusskolan’s students coordinated by Teknikåttan in April 2023. Teknikåttan is a competition in science, technology, and mathematics for eighth-grade students.
Visual City
System Dynamics World3 Simulation with OpenModelica
Since the project start of Cloud Tooling for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical System Model-Based Development, the Linköping University team has been running Modelica and CRML tutorials several times per year at workshops (ModProd) and conferences (Modelica, Asian Modelica Conference, American Modelica Conference). These tutorials also include a section to rise awareness on sustainability and allow researchers to run predictive scenarios simulations using System Dynamics World3 model.