
ELLIIT Gender and Diversity Group

There are still too few women in science and technology, particularily in the ELLIIT core topics such as information technology, mobile communications and software engineering. To promote ICT and related topics as attractive career possibilities for young female students and scientists, ELLIIT has a dedicated Gender and Diversity Group.

Tech Talks

ELLIIT has recorded an ambitious seminar series on digitalization and societal challenges from an ICT perspective. All four ELLIIT campuses have been involved, and the production stars the well-known Swedish research communicator and comedian Johan Wester. Topics are based on visions from the 2030 Technology Foresight. A new theme will be published every other Tuesday at 12.00 until the 21st of March 2023.

ELLIIT in media

ELLIIT researchers are appreciated invited experts in podcasts and other media, and several are even producing their own.


Talks by ELLIIT researchers

Video of the RobotLab LTH

Meet the robots at The Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. On this page, you will find a guided tour of the RobotLab LTH, which is partially financed by ELLIIT.