Linhao Meng

Linhao Meng

PhD student Eindhoven University of Technology Linhao Meng is a final year PhD student in computer science at Eindhoven University of Technology. Her research focuses on designing visualization and creating interactive tools to enhance human’s ability to understand...
Maria Skeppstedt

Maria Skeppstedt

Research Engineer Centre for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences, Uppsala University Maria Skeppstedt received her PhD in Computer and Systems Sciences in 2015. After a few years of postdoctoral research in applied natural language processing, she has spent the...
Elmira Zohrevandi

Elmira Zohrevandi

Postdoctoral researcher Linköping University Elmira Zohrevandi is a postdoctoral researcher in information visualization with focus on design and evaluation of visual analytics interfaces to strengthen human-automation collaboration. Automation in today’s world has...