Natascha Kljun

Natascha Kljun

Professor Lund University Natascha Kljun, professor at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, Lund University, is an Environmental Scientist by training, specialising in Atmospheric Physics. She is an expert on interactions of the land-surface-biosphere...
Tove Kvarnström

Tove Kvarnström

Coordinator Linköping University Tove is a coordinator at the Grants and Program Offices at Linköping University, a unit within the central administration that provide support in research funding, project management and research analysis. She is partly allocated to...
Kara Lamb

Kara Lamb

Associate Research Scientist Columbia University Dr. Kara Lamb is an Associate Research Scientist at Columbia University in the NSF Learning the Earth with Artificial Intelligence and Physics (LEAP) Center. Her research lies at the intersection of observations and...
Tomas Landelius

Tomas Landelius

Researcher SMHI Tomas Landelius has a PhD in Computer Vision from Linköping University (LiU). His thesis focused on reinforcement learning and he helped develop the first machine learning undergraduate course at LiU in 1996. Following his work at LiU, Tomas came to...
Fredrik Lindsten

Fredrik Lindsten

Associate Professor Linköping University Fredrik Lindsten is Associate Professor at the Division of Statistics and Machine Learning, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. He received his MSc degree in Applied Physics and...
Amy Loutfi

Amy Loutfi

Professor Örebro University Amy Loutfi is a Professor in Computer Science at Örebro University and leads the research group – AASS Machine Perception and Interaction Lab. She has a long experience working with industry and the public sector on research projects...