Magnus Sahlgren

Magnus Sahlgren

Head of Research AI Sweden Magnus Sahlgren is Head of Research for Natural Language Understanding at AI Sweden. Sahlgren has a PhD in computational linguistics, and his research lies at the intersection between computational linguistics, philosophy, and artificial...
Irina Shklovski

Irina Shklovski

Professor / Guest Professor University of Copenhagen / Linköping University Irina Shklovski is Professor of Communication and Computing in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen. She holds a WASP-HS visiting professorship at Linköping...
Xinhuan Shu

Xinhuan Shu

Lecturer (assistant professor) Newcastle University Xinhuan Shu is a lecturer (assistant professor) at the School of Computing, Newcastle University, Prior to that, she was a PostDot at VisHub in the Univeristy of Edinburgh and received her PhD from the Hong Kong...
Maria Skeppstedt

Maria Skeppstedt

Research Engineer Centre for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences, Uppsala University Maria Skeppstedt received her PhD in Computer and Systems Sciences in 2015. After a few years of postdoctoral research in applied natural language processing, she has spent the...