ELLIIT Gender and Diversity Group

Starting as a call in 2019, where the associated ELLIIT universities could apply for project funding, the call soon expanded to the ELLIIT Gender and Diversity Group with responsible researchers at each university.

An increased focus has been placed over the last years on the integration of gender aspects into all levels of decision-making and into the visibility profile of ELLIIT.

Specifically, this entails the use of role models to motivate young researchers from underrepresented gender both in research and in basic education. It also implies review, auditing and refinement of decision processes, at all levels of ELLIIT, in order to enforce and following up the awareness of gender-related issues among everyone involved.

Focus groups for gender equality actions

Promoting gender equality in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) requires a multi-pronged approach involving institutions, researchers, educators and students.

Illustration over the ELLIIT Gender Program Women in STEM.

Initiatives within the ELLIIT Gender and Diversity Group

In 2024, we invite researchers to submit proposals for activities planned for up to one year. Click on the posts below to read more about some of the the initiative within the ELLIIT Gender and Diversity Group.

Attending/organizing events for women in mathematics

PI: Anitha Thillaisundaram (LU)

Attracting Underrepresented Groups to Electronics and Integrated Circuits Design

PI: Oscar Gustafsson (LiU)

Blekingflickan Code Club

PI: Usman Nasir (BTH)

Funding for visiting researcher

PIs: Ericka Johnson (LiU), India Morrison (LiU), Tom Ziemke (LiU)

Gender & Diversity in Information Theory

PI: Onur Günlü (LiU)

Matematiksamarbete med skola i glesbygd

PIs: Sara Maad Sasane (LU), Charlotta Johnsson (LU)

Melody Coders: Phase I (school outreach)

PI: Carlos Nascimento Silla Junior (HH)

PhD student (woman) research stay at University of Michigan

PI: Ilayda Yaman (LU)

Postdoc (woman) research stay in Montreal and Toronto

PI: Tom Ziemke (LiU)

The future of control engineering – a female perspective

PIs: Margret Bauer (LU), Charlotta Johnsson (LU), Eva Westin (LU)

Travel Support Application for IEEE ICRA 2025

PI: Thu Ngo (HH)

Contact and representatives

The group’s official email is: GenDiv-ELLIIT@groups.liu.se.

Lund University:

Charlotta Johnsson, AC (convenor)

Kaan Bür, EIT

Linköping Univeristy:

Tom Ziemke, IDA

Blekinge Institute of Technology:

Nauman Ali

Halmstad University:

Marlena Nowaczyk