Isovis Vimeo-channel
Andreas Kerren is professor of information visualization and chair of the information visualization group (iVis) . Some of his talks are recorded and available on the Isovis Vimeo-channel. Professor Kerren also gave a talk on the “Benefits and Perspectives of Information Visualization for the Humanities and Social Sciences” for the Danish Competency Development Program on Digital Literacy for Social Sciences and Humanities.

Contact tracing apps
Elena Pagnin is an assistant professor at Lund University. Her work is on privacy and security concerns related to digital communications technologies. At “Framtidsveckan 2020”, Elena Pagnin gave a talk for a general public on the topic of contact tracing apps and their security dilemma.

Open data made popular
With the emergence of machine learning, access to data from training is becoming crucial. One approach to that is to share data openly, similar to the last decades of development in open source software. Based on our recent research paper, the concept of Open Data Ecosystems have been presented in six different popular forums during 2021 (presentations are available here).
The research continues within the ELLIIT project B2B Data Sharing for Industry 4.0 Machine Learning

Keynote by Alexey Vinel at WS3
Alexey Vinel from Halmstad University gave a keynote presentation at WS3 – International Workshop on Beyond 5G Support for the Future Vehicular Networks, (opens in new window) on the topic of “Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles: from Theoretical Models to Real World Labs and Back”.

CVPR Robust Video Scene Understanding Workshop
A talk on the subject “From discriminative object tracking video object segmentation”, by LiU professor Michael Felsberg is available on youtube, as part as the recording from the workshop “Robust Video Scene Understanding“.

STEM days in Lund
The annual STEM-days in Lund are usually attended by more than 6000 high school students and their teachers. Local ELLIIT researchers regularily participate to give lectures such as “6G? Vi har ju inte ens fått 5G” (Fredrik Tufvesson), “Att knäcka ett lösenord” (Martin Hell), “Sakernas internet: en uppkopplad värld” (Emma Fitzgerald) and many more.

Michael Felsberg: Learning vision is easy?
The visual cortex is a major area in the human brain and the majority of input from the environment is perceived by vision. Still, it was believed for decades that computer vision is a simple problem that can be addressed by student projects or clever system design based on concepts from related fields. About a decade ago, the field observed a major breakthrough with the advent of deep learning, to a large extent enabled by means of novel computational resources in form of GPUs. Since then, the field basically exploded and thousands of black-box approaches to solve vision problems have been developed. However, it turned out that previously known concepts such as uncertainty and geometry are still relevant when we want to better understand deep learning methods and achieve state of the art performance.