25-03-11 Prof. Si-Hyeon, KAIST, South Korea
Privacy-Preserving Data Utilization with Differential Privacy

2025-02-14 Yassir Jedra, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Finite Sample Identification of Partially Observed Bilinear Dynamical Systems

2025-01-25 Dr. John S. Baras, University of Maryland College Park, USA
Robust Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning and Autonomy: A Unifying Theory via Performance and Risk Tradeoff


2024-11-29 Prof. Min Dong, Ontario Tech, Canada
Computation-Communication Efficient Distributed Multicast Coordination in Massive MIMO

2024-11-07 Prof. Olgica Milenkovic, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Distributed storage systems with dynamic access/load balancing

2024-09-24 Senior Sesearcher, Maxime Guillaud, Inria, Lyon, France
Wireless Channel Charting for Next-Generation Radio Access Networks

2024-06-20 Dr. Kumar Vijay Mishra, The University of Maryland, College Park, United States
Signal Processing for Joint Radar-Communications

2024-05-31 Associate Professor, Johan Thunberg, Lund University
Synchronization of orthogonal matrices and related optimization problems

2024-05-30 Prof. Piet Wambacq, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
High-speed data communication research at imec: from bits, over phased arrays down to devices

2024-05-17 Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Ludwig Besser, Princeton University, USA
Reliability and Latency Analysis for Wireless Communication Systems with a Secret-Key Budget

2024-04-19 Prof. Aarno Pärssinen, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Aspects of RF towards 6G

2024-04-10 Prof. Zak Kassas, The Ohio State University, USA
No GPS, No Problem: Exploiting Signals of Opportunity for Resilient and Accurate Autonomous Navigation in GPS-Denied Environments

2024-04-05 Dr. Thomas Sandholm, CableLabs, USA
AI/ML Applications in Communication Networks

2024-03-25 Research Specialist Musa Furkan Keskin, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Integrated Sensing, Localization and Communications Towards 6G under Non-Idealities: Mitigation and Exploitation Strategies

2024-03-01 Prof. Emil Björnson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Through the Lens of Array Signal Processing

2024-01-22 Prof. Subhrakanti Dey, Uppsala University, Sweden
A Newton-type algorithm for federated learning based on incremental Hessian eigenvector sharing


2023-10-24 Parastoo Sadeghi, UNSW, Australia
Viewing Differential Privacy through the Lens of Information Theory

2023-10-19 Dr. Baturalp Buyukates, University of Southern California, USA
Foundations of Trustworthy Collaborative Machine Learning

2023-10-11 Khac-Hoang Ngo, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Unsourced Multiple Access: An Information-Theoretic Analysis

2023-09-13 Søren Hauberg, Professor, Section for Cognitive Systems, Technical University of Denmark
Reparametrization invariance in representation learning

2023-09-07 Thomas Parisini, Imperial College London & University of Trieste
Control Theory & Robust Distributed Optimization: Some Insights

2023-09-04 François Rottenberg, KU Leuven
How to reduce energy consumption in wireless networks? Towards an information theory of energy-saving techniques in radio access networks

2023-06-16 Prof. Viktoria Fodor, KTH
Hierarchical federated learning in wireless networks

2023-05-17 Ozan Öktem, The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Scientific Machine Learning – An overview with applications to inverse problems

2023-05-12 Prof. Giovanni Geraci, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
What will it take for wireless communications to conquer the sky?

2023-05-10 Prof. Umberto Spagnolini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Wireless Communications with Space-Time Modulated Metasurfaces

2023-05-09 Prof. Sergiy Vorobyov, Aalto University, Finland
What can we get by generalizing Nesterov’s acceleration framework?

2023-04-19 Rianne van den Berg, Microsoft Research Amsterdam
AI4Science at Microsoft Research

2023-03-30 Norbert Krüger, SDU, Denmark
Robots in public spaces: Status, Problems and Perspectives

2023-03-20 Prof. Liesbet Van der Perre, KU Leuven,
Distributed architectures for 6G:  (non) challenges and opportunities for energy efficient networking

2023-03-14 Prof. Jeff Offutt, George Mason University,
Achievements, open problems, and challenges for test automation

2023-03-10 Prof. Alexandre Bartel, Umeå University,
An In-depth Study of Java Deserialization Exploits and Vulnerabilities

2023-10-07, Rodolphe Sepulchre, KU Leuven and University of Cambridge,
Feedback system analysis: back to the future

2023-02-13 Ertugrul Basar, Koç University, Turkey
In Pursuit of Low-Power and Unconditionally Secure Networks: From Intelligent Surfaces to Thermal Noise Communication


2022-12-08 Karl-Erik Årzén, Lunds Tekniska Högskola
Modeling, Control and Learning for Improved Cloud Predictability

2022-10-21 Hei Victor Cheng, Aarhus University
New perspectives on communication environment: creation of smart radio environment and information modulation through the environment via reconfigurable intelligent surface

2022-10-18 Fabian Fagerholm, Aalto University
Designing The Right Software: Continuous experimentation and design decision-making in modern software engineering

2022-10-17 Prof. Snorre Aunet from NTNU, Trondheim
Towards sub-100 mV VDD CMOS

2022-10-14 Alexandre Proutiere, KTH
Learning Optimal Antenna Tilt Control Policies: A Contextual Linear Bandit Approach

2022-10-13 Christoph Studer, ETHZ
Wireless Positioning with Channel State Information and Channel Charting

2022-10-12 Timo Rahkonen, University of Oulo
RF IC design challenges for future 6G systems

2022-06-10 Dr. Chris Rackaukas, MIT
Scientific Machine Learning: Where We Are and Where We Need To Go

2022-05-24 Prof. John S. Baras, University of Maryland College Park (UMD)
Three lectures: From Copernicus-Brahe-Kepler to Swarms: Learning Composable Laws from Observed Trajectories; Trusted Autonomy: Theory and Applications; Networked Cyber Physical Systems

2022-05-19 Prof. Jeannette Wing, Columbia University
Thrustworthy AI

2022-05-17 Prof. Martin Shepperd, Gothenburg University/Brunel University London
The Prevalence of Errors in Machine Learning Experiments

2022-05-11 Prof. Rui Dinis, Nova university, Lisbon, Portugal
Nonlinear effects in digital communications: analytical evaluation of their effects and how to use them to improve the performance

2022-04-01 Dr. Lucy Ellen Lwakatare, Helsinki University
Development of ML-enabled systems in industrial settings – An overview of practices, infrastructures, and research opportunities

2022-04-01 Docent Gregory Gay, Chalmers
Learning How to Search: Generating Effective Test Cases Through Adaptive Fitness Function Selection


2021-11-10 Prof. Chris Rudell, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle
On-Chip Self-Interference Cancellation for Full Duplex Radios and Other Applications


2020-02-03 Prof. Felix Antreich, Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), São José dos Campos, Brazil
Multi-Antenna Systems for GNSS


2019-12-12 Andreas Kerren, Linnaeus University
Showcases of Visualization Research for Text, Network, and Multivariate Data Analytics

2019-11-08 Prof. Timo Rahkonen, Oulu University,  Finland.
IC design old and newer news from Oulu University

2019-10-24 Jan Erik Ekberg, Mobile Security, Huawei,  Finland.
Run-time / memory protection on future mobile processors

2019-10-14 Prof. Bart De Moor, KU Leuven
More Mathematics Mandatory in Data Science

2019-06-19 Bill Dally, Chief Scientist and Vice President of NVIDIA Research and Willard R. and Inez Kerr Bell Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University
The Future of Computing: Domain-Specific Accelerators

2019-02-19 Professor Tarek Abdelzaher, Department of Computer Science, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Deep Learning for IoT Systems

2019-02-19 Professor Tarek Abdelzaher, Department of Computer Science, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Social Media Signal Processing: A Noisy Channel Approach

2019-01-21 Senior Research Scientist Julia Lawall, Inria/LIP6, France
Prequel: A Patch-Like Query Language for Commit History Search

2019-01-22 Dr Abbas Rahimi, ETHZ
Prequel: Hardware/Algorithm Codesign for Energy Efficiency and Robustness: From Error-tolerant Computing to Approximate and Brain-inspired Computing


2018-12-13 Steffen Limmer, TU Berlin, Germany
Distributed and sparse signal processing: Architectures, algorithms and nonlinear estimators

2018-12-10 Dr. Elena Pagnin
TOPPool and Matrioska

2018-09-21 Tommy Svensson, Department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Challenges and Opportunities with mm-wave Communications in 5G and Beyond

2018-06-12 Prof. Jan Peters, TU Darmstadt
Robot Skill Learning

2018-06-12 Dr. Caitlin Sadowski, Google
Lessons from Building Static Analysis Tools at Google

2018-06-11 Prof. Jiri Matas, Center for Machine Perception, Czech Technical University in Prague
Multi-Class Model Fitting by Energy Minimization and Mode-Seeking

2018-06-04 Prof. Jeffrey Carver, University of Alabama, USA http://se4science.org
What We Have Learned About Using Software Engineering Practices in Research Software

2018-05-03 Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, Bombay, India
Self-learning Tutorials and Open Source Software for 4 million Students

2018-05-24 Prof. Michel Verhaegen, Delft University of Technology
Large-Scale Subspace Identification with Kronecker modeling

2018-04-12 Prof. Laura Cottatellucci, Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Title: Machine Learning on Graphs

2018-04-11 Prof. Marius Pesavento, TU Darmstadt
The Partial Relaxation Approach: An Eigenvalue-Based DOA Estimator Framework

2018-03-29 Prof. Christoph Kirsch from U. of Salzburg
Self-Referential Compilation, Emulation, Virtualization, and Symbolic Execution with Selfie

2018-03-19  Prof. Geoffrey Li, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Resource Allocation in Vehicular Communications

2018-03-14 Prof. Geoffrey Li, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Device-to-Device Communications in Cellular Networks

2018-03-06 Professor Pierluigi Salvo Rossi, Kongsberg Digital, Norway
Machine Learning & Industry 4.0

2018-01-2 Professor A. Lee Swindlehurst, University of California Irvine
Analysis of the Mixed-ADC Massive MIMO Uplink

2018-01-26 Docent Antti Tölli, University of Oulu, Finland
Multi-antenna Interference Management for Coded Caching

2018-01-11 Adjunct Professor Gabor Fodor, KTH and Ericsson Research
Tuning the Pilot-to-Data Power Ratio in Multiuser MIMO Systems