
ELLIIT has a director and a co-director, one from Lund University and one from Linköping. Together, they manage and supervise daily tasks in ELLIIT.

Program Group

The Program Group (PG) consists of ELLIIT senior researchers, appointed by the respective partner university. The PG is responsible for the day-to-day management of the program, follow-up of the scientific activities and planning future activities.

Operations Team

The ELLIIT Operations Team is staffed by LiU Grants Office and LiU Communications and Marketing Division. It provides administrative, financial and communications services to the ELLIIT management.

Focus Period Directors

The guest program within ELLIIT has the goal to unite high-level international researchers and inspire young ELLIIT researchers through personal contacts with top international researchers. 

Steering Group

The Steering Group decides about the allocation of the project funding, and oversees the appointment processes of the ELLIIT permanent positions. It also monitors the development of the research projects, and take strategic decisions for future development of the program.

Industrial Advisory Board

The Industrial Advisory Board consists of representatives from six industry partners with high relevance for the ELLIIT environment.

Gender and Diversity Group

To promote gender equality and diversity in ELLIIT’s strategic research areas, such as information and communication technologies, software engineering, and automatic control, ELLIIT has a dedicated Gender and Diversity Group.