Technology Foresight 2030
ELLIIT achieves its goals by a judicious choice of funded focus projects, a structured process for international recruitment, a balanced way of stimulating cooperation between research areas and between the sites involved, and a proactive approach towards fostering and maintaining cooperation with Swedish industry. The overarching objective of ELLIIT is to support scientific excellence in combination with industrial relevance and impact.
ELLIIT has the ambition to coordinate the total information and communication technology research efforts over all the participating sites. Since its inception, ELLIIT has been continuously and systematically working on vision, strategy and prioritizations for the future. Its current vision for the coming decade is summarized in the ELLIIT 2030 Technology Foresight.
ELLIIT’s funding, currently over 100 MSEK yearly, is pre-allocated as 45 % to each of LiU and LU, and 5 % to each of BTH and HH. ELLIIT received a substantial increase in funding during 2020, and a new agreement between the four partners was signed, in June 2020, that outlines the forms of management and cooperation. A principle for the use of funding was established, which determines that 30-50% of the funding should be used for the support of projects and 30-50% of should be used to fund tenured and tenure-track positions in the ICT area covered by the scope of ELLIIT. 0-20 % of the funding should be used for special initiatives.

Download Strategic Documents
Our strategic documents are available for download on the documents page.
Among them are the ELLIIT 2030 Technology Foresight and the ELLIIT Technology Foresight 2023 Companion, which describe ten additional emerging trends and challenges that we have identified in our strategic work.