Focus period Linköping 2024: Machine Learning for Climate Science

Invited speakers

The main event of the focus period was a three-day symposium between the 8 – 10 of October, to which some of the leading researchers within the focus period subject were invited. In their presentations, they provided a comprehensive overview of the field and their respective research, and pointed out key research challenges and opportunities.

Nuno Carvalhais

Nuno Carvalhais

Scientist at Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (Germany)

Kara Lamb

Kara Lamb

Associate Research Scientist at Columbia University (USA)

Amy Loutfi

Amy Loutfi

Professor at Örebro University (Sweden)

Claire Monteleoni

Claire Monteleoni

Research Director at INRIA (France) and Professor at CU – Boulder (USA)

Ribana Roscher

Ribana Roscher

Professor at Forschungszentrum Jülich and University of Bonn (Germany)

Hanno Scharr

Hanno Scharr

Research Scientist at Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany)