by Tove Kvarnström | Sep 29, 2023 | Lund 2023 Scholar Period 1
PhD Student Aalborg University Robin Jess Williams received the M.Sc. degree in wireless communication from Aalborg University in 2019, where he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree. His current research interests include massive MIMO, extremely large aperture arrays,...
by Tove Kvarnström | Sep 26, 2023 | LiU 2023 Stories, News
In the autumn of 2023 Linköping University hosts the ELLIIT Focus Period. An ambitious guest researcher program aimed at stimulating interaction among researchers and to favor cross-talk within the research field of Network Dynamics and Control. Since spring 2022,...
by Tove Kvarnström | May 9, 2023 | LiU 2023 Scholar period 2
Postdoctoral Fellow Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Nordita) Yu Tian is a research fellow at the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Nordita), funded by Wallenberg Initiative on Networks and Quantum information (WINQ). Yu received her PhD from...
by Tove Kvarnström | Apr 26, 2023 | LiU 2023 Scholar period 1
Assistant Professor University of Padova Giacomo Baggio received the Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering from the University of Padova, Italy, in 2018. He was Visiting Scholar at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK (Sept 15 – May 16)...
by Tove Kvarnström | Apr 26, 2023 | LiU 2023 Scholar period 1, LiU 2023 Scholar period 2
Postdoctoral Researcher University of Washington Anastasia Bizyaeva is a postdoctoral scholar with the AI Institute for Dynamic Systems at the University of Washington, Seattle. She is interested in the mathematics of collective behavior and distributed computation,...
by Tove Kvarnström | Apr 26, 2023 | LiU 2023 Scholar period 1, LiU 2023 Scholar period 2
PhD student Politecnico di Torino Leonardo Cianfanelli received the B.Sc. (cum Laude) in physics and astrophysics in 2014 from Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy, the M.S. in physics of complex systems (cum Laude) in 2017 from Università di Torino, Italy, and...