Karl Henrik Johansson

Karl Henrik Johansson

Professor KTH Royal Institute of Technology Karl H. Johansson is Professor with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden and Director of Digital Futures. He received MSc degree in Electrical Engineering...
Toktam Mahmoodi

Toktam Mahmoodi

Professor King’s College London Toktam Mahmoodi is a professor of communication Engineering and Director of the Centre for Telecommunications Research (CTR) in Department of Engineering at King’s College London. Her research focuses on the areas of mobile and cloud...
Muriel Médard

Muriel Médard

Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology Muriel Médard is the NEC Professor of Software Science and Engineering in the School of Engineering at MIT and a Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Department at MIT. She leads the...
Stefan Parkvall

Stefan Parkvall

Senior Expert Ericsson Research Stefan Parkvall [F] is currently a Senior Expert at Ericsson Research working with research on 6G and future radio access. He is one of the key persons in the development of HSPA, LTE and NR radio access and has been deeply involved in...
Ana Pérez-Neira

Ana Pérez-Neira

Professor Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Ana Pérez-Neira is full professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in the Signal Theory and Communication department since 2006 and was Vice rector for Research (2010-14). Currently, she is the Director of Centre...