Focus period Linköping University (Campus Norrköping) 2025
Visualization-Empowered Human-in-the-Loop Artificial Intelligence

Invited speakers

In the third week of the focus period (May 13-15) we will have a 3-day symposium in the city of Norrköping close to our beautiful Campus Norrköping with several invited top-level researchers. In their presentations, they provided a comprehensive overview of the field and their respective research, and pointed out key research challenges and opportunities.

Focus Period
Linköping University 2025
Campus Norrköping

Natalia Andrienko

Natalia Andrienko

Professor at Fraunhofer Institute IAIS (Germany) and at City University London (UK)

Gennady Andrienko

Gennady Andrienko

Professor at Fraunhofer Institute IAIS (Germany) and at City University London (UK)

Przemysław Biecek

Przemysław Biecek

Professor at Warsaw University of Technology and University of Warsaw (Poland)

Alex Endert

Alex Endert

Associate Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology (US)

Alvitta Ottley

Alvitta Ottley

Associate Professor at Washington University in St. Louis (US)

Irina Shklovski

Irina Shklovski

Professor at UCPH (Denmark) and Guest Professor at LiU (Sweden)

Emily Wall

Emily Wall

Assistant Professor at Emory University (US)