by Tove Kvarnström | Feb 28, 2023
PI: Daniel Axehill (LiU); co-PI: Björn Olofsson (LU) The objective with the proposed research is to significantly extend the recent work by the PI’s former PhD students Oskar Ljungqvist and Kristoffer Bergman in the area of optimization-based motion planning and...
by Tove Kvarnström | Feb 28, 2023
PI: Mikael Asplund (LiU); co-PI: Christian Gehrmann (LU) Provably secure communication solutions will be needed for the continued trust in future digital services. In this PhD project we propose a new approach to taming the inherent computational complexity of...
by Lena Tasse | May 25, 2021
Lead: Alexey Vinel (HH)Co-lead: Fredrik Tufvesson (LU), Maria Kihl, (LU) Platooning is a vehicular application aiming at increasing road safety, efficiency and driving comfort. In aplatoon the leading vehicle is driven by the professional driver, while the following...
by Lena Tasse | May 25, 2021
Lead: Thomas Johansson(LU)Co-lead: Nahid Shahmehri (LiU) 5G networks will see in an increased use of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Virtualized NetworkFunctions (VNFs), and large scale use of small cell equipment. This poses challenges in management and...
by Lena Tasse | May 25, 2021
Lead: Atila Alvandpour (LIU)Co-lead: Henrik Sjöland (LU) Together with WPs we target a massive MIMO basestation. The cooperation will be especially intensewith WP1 and WP3. The targeted carrier frequency is 3.7GHz, to align with the present massive MIMOtestbed...