Near memory computing for data-centric architectures

Near memory computing for data-centric architectures

PI: Joachim Rodrigues (LU); co-PI: Oscar Gustafsson (LiU) A promising technique to boost performance and energy efficiency in data-centric computing architectures is the integration of computation logic in the near proximity of on-chip memory. In this project, we...
Optimal estimation and control at scale

Optimal estimation and control at scale

PI: Richard Pates (LU); co-PI: Anders Hansson (LiU) Many classical optimal methods for estimation and control have provable robustness and performance guarantees that can enhance the sustainability and resilience of engineering systems. However, their implementation...
Revisiting data associations in large-scale mapping

Revisiting data associations in large-scale mapping

PI: Viktor Larsson (LU); co-PIs: Mårten Wadenbäck (LiU), Michael Felsberg (LiU) This project concerns 3D mapping methods which are used to enable re-localization and navigation in large-scale environments. In particular, we will focus on sparse reconstruction methods...
DDoS detection in 5G/6G networks

DDoS detection in 5G/6G networks

PI: Christian Gehrmann (LU); co-PI: Mikael Asplund (LiU) The huge amount of cellular connected devices can be used to launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks which are a severe threat against telecommunication infrastructures and services. The new analytic...