by Lena Tasse | May 3, 2021
PI: Kalle Åström (LU). Co-PI: Cristian Sminchisescu (LU) We focus on the task of embodied visual active learning, where an agent is set to explore a 3d environment with the goal of acquiring visual scene understanding by actively selecting views for which to request...
by Lena Tasse | May 3, 2021
PI: Gunnar Cedersund (LiU) In 2019, the Swedish translation for “Digital twins” entered the public Swedish dictionary, SAOL. Digital twins are computer models, which can describe, e.g., the specific physiology in a patient. Nevertheless, all others’ digital twins only...
by Lena Tasse | May 3, 2021
PI: Fredrik Tufvesson (LU) The rapid evolution of the wireless communication systems has significantly changed the daily life of people in the past decades. Fifth Generation (5G) and beyond 5G (B5G) wireless communication systems are expected to provide much higher...
by Lena Tasse | May 3, 2021
PI: Fredrik Heintz (LiU) A major open research challenge is developing privacy-preserving machine learning methods that both achieves high performance and privacy guarantees even though the original training data contains sensitive personal information. The...
by Lena Tasse | May 3, 2021
PI: Erik Frisk (LiU). Co-PIs: Lars Nielsen (LiU), Björn Olofsson (LiU). In this project we will develop techniques for fault-tolerant decision making and resilient behavioral control of autonomous ground vehicles in multi-vehicle traffic situations, strengthening an...