Virginia Dignum

Virginia Dignum

Professor Umeå University Virginia Dignum is Professor of Responsible Artificial Intelligence at Umeå University, Sweden where she leads the AI Policy Lab. She is also senior advisor on AI policy to the Wallenberg Foundations. She has a PHD in Artificial Intelligence...
Andreas Kerren

Andreas Kerren

Professor Linköping University Prof. Dr. Andreas Kerren received his PhD degree in Computer Science from Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany. In 2008, he achieved his habilitation (docent competence) from Växjö University, Sweden. Dr. Kerren is currently a Full...
Kostiantyn Kucher

Kostiantyn Kucher

Senior Lecturer Linköping University Dr. Kostiantyn Kucher is a senior lecturer in information visualization with specialization in visual analytics of texts, networks, and machine learning models with the iVis group at the Department of Science and Technology at...
Katerina Vrotsou

Katerina Vrotsou

Associate Professor Linköping University Katerina Vrotsou is an Associate Professor in information visualization with the Department of Science and Technology, division for Media and Information Technology at Linköping University. She received her Ph.D. degree in...