Rasmus Henningsson

Rasmus Henningsson

Visiting research fellow Lund University Rasmus Henningsson’s research interests are centered around high-dimensional biological data in general and Leukemia in particular. He is currently developing new methods for dimension reduction, analysis and...
Elisabeth Roesch

Elisabeth Roesch

Data Scientist Julia Computing Elisabeth Roesch is a systems biologist by training. She is interested in modelling life science systems using computer science, mathematics and statistics. Currently, she works with Julia Computing. Here, she focuses on bridging the...
Nikolay Oskolkov

Nikolay Oskolkov

Senior bioinformatician Lund University Nikolay Oskolkov, PhD, is a bioinformatician at Lund University, Biology department, and National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) at Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab). He received his PhD in theoretical...
MeiLu McDermott

MeiLu McDermott

PhD Student University of Southern California MeiLu is a PhD Research Student at Adam MacLean Labat University of Southern California. Works include analysis of experimental single-cell RNAseq data withPythonand R, creation of ODE models to study dynamics of EMT in...
Camila Consiglio

Camila Consiglio

Post-doc Karolinska Institutet Camila Consiglio is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow in the Brodin Lab at Karolinska Institutet (KI), Sweden, where she applies systems-level computational approaches to understand human immune function in health and disease. Originally...