Call for Expression of Interest

Call for Expression of Interest

Infrastructure support Infrastructure has been identified as a critical part for further development of the research activities within ELLIIT, and the ELLIIT management is therefore investigating the needs for infrastructure support in our research environment. In...
From pure mathematician to data scientist

From pure mathematician to data scientist

What can I do with a degree in mathematics? Who might be interested to employ me? How do I find my next job? How does my career advance? How much mathematics will I be using in a job in industry? And what do I have to if I (don’t) want to keep working at a university?...
Results from Project Call C

Results from Project Call C

On January 25, 2021, the ELLIIT program management group decided to fund 9 new projects, at the level of 2 MSEK/year (1 MSEK/yr/partner) during 2021-2025. The call (“Call C”, launched October 19) received 44 proposals in total, and was very competitive. Step 2 of the...