5G/6G Security

5G/6G Security

PI: Thomas Johansson (LU), co-PI: Simin Nadjm-Tehrani (LiU) Applications deployed with 5G will be facing several new security challenges. This project will span a variety of research activities in 5G security. This include development and analysis of cryptographic...
Robust and Secure Control over the Cloud

Robust and Secure Control over the Cloud

PI: Zebo Peng (LiU), co-PI: Karl-Erik Årzén (LU); with Petru Eles (LiU) The project will explore how the Cloud, with its virtually infinite compute capacity, can improve the security and performance of feedback control systems. In one part, we will research verifiable...
6G wireless, sub-project: vehicular communications

6G wireless, sub-project: vehicular communications

PI: Alexey Vinel (HH), co-PI: Maria Kihl (LU); with Fredrik Tufvesson (LU), William Tärneberg (LU), Johan Thunberg (HH) The project will work with futuristic heterogeneous cooperative automated driving scenarios in smart cities, which will include both traditional and...
Energy-efficient ICs for 6G and radars transceivers

Energy-efficient ICs for 6G and radars transceivers

PI: Atila Alvandpour (LiU), co-PI: Henrik Sjöland (LU) With 6G the journey towards ever-higher carrier frequencies and bandwidths continues. For the first time in cellular systems, the carrier frequency will exceed 100 GHz and the bandwidth 10GHz. To achieve useful...
Ultra-reliable wireless for 6G applications

Ultra-reliable wireless for 6G applications

PI: Fredrik Tufvesson (LU), co-PI:Erik G. Larsson (LiU); with Ove Edfors (LU) This project proposal combines a theoretical approach to ultra-reliable low latency communication for 6G, with channel characterization and modelling for the same purpose, a system wide...