Robust motion planning

Robust motion planning

PI: Daniel Axehill (LiU). Co-PI: Ass. Prof. Johan Löfberg (LiU). The proposed research considers motion planning problems in unstructured environments where there are non-negligible model uncertainties and disturbances present. There is a fundamental trade-off between...
Dynamics and Control of Data-Driven Networks

Dynamics and Control of Data-Driven Networks

PI: Claudio Altafini (LiU). Co-PIs: Anders Rantzer (LU), Erik G. Larsson (LiU). The overall goal of this project is to interface control systems and network science methodology, with the purpose of investigating the following specific topics: developing network-level...
Secure Transparent Communications in the Industrial Internet

Secure Transparent Communications in the Industrial Internet

PI: Andrei Gurtov (LiU). Industry 4.0 (Focus theme 4) calls for combining industrial machine sensor connectivity with cloud big data analytics. Sample application areas include smart factories, autonomous ships and vehicles, predictive maintenance and optimizations of...
Scalable Data Processing in Networked Systems

Scalable Data Processing in Networked Systems

PI: Anders Rantzer (LU). Co-PIs: Richard Pates (LU), Claudio Altafini (LiU), Anders Hansson (LiU). This project aims to develop scalable algorithms to monitor, predict, and analyze data from large-scale dynamic networks. In line with ELLIIT focus theme Big Data and...