Near memory computing for data-centric architectures

Near memory computing for data-centric architectures

PI: Joachim Rodrigues (LU); co-PI: Oscar Gustafsson (LiU) A promising technique to boost performance and energy efficiency in data-centric computing architectures is the integration of computation logic in the near proximity of on-chip memory. In this project, we...
ACRE – Approximate Computing Reducing Energy

ACRE – Approximate Computing Reducing Energy

PI: Oscar Gustafsson (LiU); co-PI: Joachim Rodrigues (LU) Trading energy for accuracy is a promising approach to reduce the computing energy dissipation. Especially, for classes of applications with inherent resiliency, including AI/ML, significant reductions can be...
Rational Oversampling in Coherent Optical

Rational Oversampling in Coherent Optical

PI: Oscar Gustafsson (LiU). Co-PI: Håkan Johansson (LiU). Collaborator: Per Larsson-Edefors (CTH) Optical networks provides a backbone of the contemporary and future communication infrastructure, enabling high-speed interconnection among the myriad of devices...
Multistatic high-resolution sensing at THz

Multistatic high-resolution sensing at THz

PI: Mats Pettersson (BTH). Collaborators: Hans Hellsten (HH), Fredrik Gustafsson (LiU) Multistatic high-resolution sensing at THz frequencies is the goal of this project, with applications in many areas, such as industry, logistics, health care, and surveillance....