Integrated reactive motion planning and motion control

Integrated reactive motion planning and motion control

PI: Daniel Axehill (LiU); co-PI: Björn Olofsson (LU) The objective with the proposed research is to significantly extend the recent work by the PI’s former PhD students Oskar Ljungqvist and Kristoffer Bergman in the area of optimization-based motion planning and...
Human Interaction with Autonomous Minibuses (HIAM)

Human Interaction with Autonomous Minibuses (HIAM)

PI: Tom Ziemke (LiU). Co-PIs/Collaborators: Jan Andersson (VTI), Anna Anund (VTI) The proposed project is a collaboration between the Cognition & Interaction Lab at IDA/LiU (PI: Tom Ziemke) and human factors researchers at VTI1 (co-PIs: Anna Anund and Jan...
Protecting software against side-channel leakage

Protecting software against side-channel leakage

PI: Thomas Johansson (LU) We intend to investigate attacks using side-channel leakage in software implementations, in particular towards libraries implementing standard security protocols and cryptographic primitives such as OpenSSL. The focus is on cache-timing...