by Lena Tasse | May 20, 2021 | Impact story
The possibility of visualising huge amounts data is critical for increasing knowledge in fields such as climate science, materials science and medicine. Visualisation research has also given rise to several spin-off companies, and interactive and educational...
by Lena Tasse | May 19, 2021 | Impact story
Now you don’t have to wander round searching for an empty meeting room at the office or for a particular shop in a huge shopping mall. An app in your phone can not only find it, but also show you the way there. Three sources of information indoors replace what...
by Lena Tasse | May 18, 2021 | Impact story
Visual object tracking is a field in which Professor Michael Felsberg and his co-workers have led scientific development since 2013: their prolific scientific publications have not only been awarded several prizes, but also been cited by many other researchers. The...
by Lena Tasse | May 18, 2021 | Impact story
Children with autism can improve their social skills with a cute and friendly robot, and older people with dementia feel calmer and more at peace with a robot cat purring on their lap. This has been shown by recent cognitive systems research, but the question remains:...
by Lena Tasse | May 18, 2021 | Impact story
If you wander off the lane or touch the lane marking, your car tells you about it, and the most recent models can even gently take you back to the middle of the lane. Research in ELLIIT has shown that if the car also provides help during swift avoidance manoeuvres,...