Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires

Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires

Postdoc Örebro University Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Machine Perception and Interaction lab at the University of Örebro. His research is best described as “probabilistic neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence”, as he...
Melanie Zeilinger

Melanie Zeilinger

Assistant Professor ETH Zurich Melanie Zeilinger is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich, Switzerland where she leads the Intelligent Control Systems group. She received the Diploma degree in Engineering...
Anders Hansson

Anders Hansson

Professor Linköping University Anders Hansson was born in Trelleborg, Sweden, in 1964. He received the Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering in 1989, the Degree of Licentiate of Engineering in Automatic Control in 1991, and the PhD in Automatic Control in...