ELLIIT tech talks

ELLIIT tech talks

ELLIIT has recorded an ambitious seminar series on digitalization and societal challenges from an ICT perspective. All four ELLIIT campuses have been involved, and the production stars the well-known Swedish research communicator and comedian Johan Wester. Topics are...
Industry collaboration is the key to success

Industry collaboration is the key to success

A symbiotic, collaborative relationship between academia and industry generates innovative successes that benefit both the business sector and society as a whole. Researchers and business partners recently met up at LiU for ELLIIT, a strategic research field with a...
Three lectures by John S. Baras

Three lectures by John S. Baras

Tuesday May 24 2022. Location: Automatic Control seminar room KC 3N27, Lund Three ELLIIT Distinguished lectures by John S. Baras Copernicus-Brahe-Kepler to Swarms: Learning Composable Laws from Observed Trajectories 13:15-13:45 A novel approach is described, rooted in...