Focus Period Lund 2022

Visiting scholars

The focus period is divided into two parts, each overlapping with the workshop in-between them. During each part, the organizers host a number of established and promising early career researchers, suggested by the scientific committee and the invited speakers. The focus period provides an environment for networking through seminars, organized common activities, and informal day-to-day interaction, with the aim of initializing collaborations and formulating novel research challenges.

Period 1

Florent Guinot

Florent Guinot

Project Manager in computational mathematics at Institut Roche, France

Torkel Loman

Torkel Loman

PhD student at the University of Cambridge, UK

Michelle Böck

Michelle Böck

Post-Doc at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, USA

Period 2

Nikolay Oskolkov

Nikolay Oskolkov

Senior bioinformatician at the Department of Biology, Lund University, Sweden

MeiLu McDermott

MeiLu McDermott

PhD Student at Adam MacLean Labat University of Southern California.

Lara Jerman

Lara Jerman

PhD student at Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, France

On-site contact persons

Eva Westin
+46 46 222 87 87