Focus period Lund 2022

Invited speakers

The main event of the focus period is a three-day workshop, to which some of the leading researchers within the focus period subject are invited. In their presentations, they provide a comprehensive overview of the field and their respective research, and point out key research challenges and opportunities.

Vanessa Jonsson

Vanessa Jonsson

Assistant Professor at University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

Sara Ek

Sara Ek

Professor at Lund University, Sweden

Sonja Aits

Sonja Aits

Associate senior lecturer at Lund University

Thomas B. Schön

Thomas B. Schön

Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Uppsala University, Sweden

Ira Mellman

Ira Mellman

Vice President of Cancer Immunology at Genentech, USA

Chris Rackauckas

Chris Rackauckas

Research Affiliate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Ana Carneiro

Ana Carneiro

Associate Profesor at Lund University, Sweden

Adam MacLean

Adam MacLean

Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California, USA

On-site contact persons

Eva Westin
+46 46 222 87 87