Upcoming events

ELLIIT Focus Period 2024 on Machine Learning for Climate Science
The purpose of this focus period is to bring together researchers who share an interest in machine learning for climate science in general, and machine-learning-augmented modeling and analysis of climate and weather systems in particular, to lay the foundation for novel research on how machine learning can be used to address critical problems in climate science currently lacking satisfactory solutions.
Past Events

ELLIIT Focus Period 2024 on Security and Fault Tolerance of Cyber-Physical Systems
In this focus period, we want to plant the seed for a radical rethinking of the way cyber-physical systems are constructed, questioning their fundamental principles and striving for constructions that are secure, safe, controllable, and dependable from the beginning.
APRIL 1 – MAY 3, 2024

ELLIIT Annual Workshop 2024
Once a year, the ELLIIT community meets at one of the four participating universities for scientific discussions and networking. The event is open for everyone involved in ELLIIT as well as invited guests.
March 7 – 8, 2024

Infrastructure kickoff at LiU
Breakfast with the Industry Forum and Kickoff of the Infrastructure Initiatives at LiU.
January 25, 2024

ELLIIT Focus Period 2023 on 6G – forming a better future
Research related to the 6th Generation Wireless Systems (6G) comprises a wide range of topics. This focus period takes a broad perspective on the possibilities and limitations of technology available and what services and applications can be proivided by a future 6G system. Topics range from communication theory and fundamental limits via practical implementations to novel services and applications. A number of international scholars interested in these research challenges will be invited to participate, and to interact with leading scientists as well as ELLIIT researchers. In the third week (November 8-10) there will be a 3-day workshop, with several invited top-level researchers.
October 23 – November 24, 2023

ELLIIT Focus Period 2023 on Network Dynamics and Control
The aim of this 5-week focus period is to stimulate the interaction between scientists working on network dynamics and control from different perspectives, and to favour cross-talk by promoting awareness of what is available “next door”. A number of young international scholars interested in these research challenges will be invited to participate, and to interact with leading scientists as well as ELLIIT researchers. In the third week (September 20-22) there will be a 3-day workshop, with several invited top-level researchers.
September 4 – October 6, 2023

ELLIIT Focus Period 2022 on Hybrid AI
The purpose of the focus period for the fall of 2022 was to study techniques and methods for how to achieve Hybrid AI in two particular areas: A) Optimization for Learning and Learning for Optimization; and B) Statistical-Relational approaches to Planning, Control and Decision-making. Both strongly connect AI, control theory and optimization and there are also synergies between the two.The focus period run over 5 weeks, during which young international scholars, ELLIIT researchers and other well-established international academics gathered in Linköping to work together in these joint research challenges. In the middle of the period, between October 31st and November 2nd, a 3-day workshop was held with invited top-level scientists.
October 18 – November 18, 2022

ELLIIT Annual Workshop 2022
Once a year, the ELLIIT community meets at one of the four participating universities for scientific discussions and networking. The event is open for everyone involved in ELLIIT as well as invited guests.
October 19 – 20, 2022

ELLIIT Focus Period 2022 on Data-driven modelling and learning for cancer immunotherapy
For 5 weeks, in the prestigious university town Lund, the focus period will unite young international scholars, ELLIIT researchers and other top international academics active in domains such as systems biology, cancer treatment, machine learning and dynamical systems.
April 19 – May 20, 2022

ELLIIT Annual Workshop 2021
Once a year, the ELLIIT community meets at one of the four participating universities for scientific discussions and networking. The event is open for everyone involved in ELLIIT as well as invited guests.
October 26-27, 2021

ELLIIT Online WorkShop
This is a short, online version of the annual ELLIIT workshop. It’s open for all researchers involved in ELLIIT, and anyone interested in ELLIIT research. The full ELLIIT annual workshop is currently planned for October, 2021 in Lund.
15 April, 2021, 13:00-16:00

ELLIIT Annual Workshop 2020
The workshop was cancelled due to the covid-19 pandemic.

Software Technology Exchange Workshop (STEW)
The purpose of STEW is to encourage and promote cooperation between different industry sectors, between academia/institutes and companies, and with the public sector. At STEW we want to make research and project results visible and stimulate new cooperation in software technology.
The conference is organized to facilitate knowledge exchange and dissemination of results from different forms of cooperation. STEW provides a forum for researchers and industry representatives to meet and learn about recent, industry-relevant research and experiences in the domain of software development. The conference also promotes networking among academic and industrial attendees.
November 13-14, 2019

ELLIIT Annual Workshop
The ELLIIT Annual Workshop in 2019 was held in Karlskrona. Keynote speakers were Anna Scaglione (Arizona State University, USA) “Opinion dynamics under attack: polarization and the influence of zealots” and Paris Avgeriou (University of Groningen, The Nether‐
lands) “Technical Debt: Risk or Opportunity?”
October 15-16, 2019

5G – An Antenna and Measurement Perspective (AMTA 2019)
Regional event “5G – An Antenna and Measurement Perspective”, May 7th 2019 in Lund
An exciting event you don’t want to miss! Spend the day with the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association listening to top experts present the most recent developments in the industry.
May 7, 2019